What are FODMAPS and what is the low FODMAP diet? FODMAPS are a group of short-chain carbohydrates (fibres and sugars) that are not absorbed properly in the gut. The acronym stands for fermentable, oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. The low FODMAP diet was developed by researchers at Monash University, and it limits foods that have… [Read More]
Do you have time for self-care at work? Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s the environment, but at the end of the day, many of us leave work feeling stressed, heavy and burnt out. If your workplace hasn’t already invested in employee wellness programs, I’m here with a round-up of the top 5 things YOU can… [Read More]
Author: Nesrine Cheikh, Registered Dietitian Is sugar the cause of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dementia? Does switching to artificial sweeteners, like Splenda or Aspartame give you sweet taste without the negative health effects? Does using them help in reducing body weight, or can these sweeteners pose health risks, like increased risk… [Read More]
Author, Molly McLaughlin, RD New Year after New Year, our social media platforms get bombarded with infinite amounts of restrictive diets and detox programs. Let’s be honest- we are all intrigued by these opportunities. I mean, what’s better than a 30 day, quick fix/reset celery juice cleanse, that not only guarantees improved digestion and increased… [Read More]