Meet one of our current clients, Becky, a busy self-employed graphic designer who works from home. Becky recently transitioned from in-person to virtual counselling. Read her responses to some of our favourite questions!
Q1. Why did you decide to work with a registered dietitian?
Well I’ve always struggled with my weight but definitely more so in the last 2 years. I had a lot of stress in my personal and working life and I started emotionally eating and binging and didn’t realize how bad it had gotten until one day I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself anymore. I was about 140 lbs for most of my 20s which was a fairly healthy weight for me, but at my heaviest I went up to 206 lbs, and I was shocked at how quickly it happened.
There’s a lot of obesity in my family and I’ve seen first hand the effects Diabetes can take on your body and kidneys over the years, and I vowed to not let that be my future if I could get a hold of it now.
I decided to work with a registered dietitian specifically because I wanted to do it in a sustainable lifestyle changing way, rather than use those fad diets which I’ve always been wary of.
I liked the fact Registered Dietitians had more formal education and training and weren’t just making stuff up and it helped me trust them more.
Q2. What was the most interesting thing that you learned (while working with a dietitian)?
I think an interesting thing was learning that our genetics can make us predisposed to certain things like craving salt or sugar. I’ve also always been a picky eater, and I was concerned I wouldn’t like any of the menu we built, but I was pleasantly surprised. I’ve been learning that healthy food doesn’t have to mean flavourless food.
Q3. What was the greatest myth bust for you?
That sugar withdrawal is a real thing. But once it went away it got much easier to stick with. Also that vegetables can taste good and you can still have a good relationship with them even when you’re as picky an eater as I am. lol.
Q4. What is the most rewarding achievement you had so far?
When I started with Nav I was 203 lbs, but at my heaviest I was 206 lbs, and so now I have lost 26 lbs in total which feels amazing. I didn’t know if I could do it when I started this journey but now I feel so much more confident. I still have about 30 lbs to go before I reach my end goal, but now I know that I can do it and gain more confidence every day.
Having the online counselling has been awesome too so that isolation doesn’t make me fall back to old habits. I still have off days, but I’ve gotten so much better at staying on track and also not beating myself up when I mess up.
Q5. How do you feel about your health and nutrition now?
I feel so much better and confident. Working with NutriProCan has been awesome to help keep me accountable and help educate me. And because they have the virtual counselling available, I didn’t have to worry about losing momentum during this quarantine which has been so helpful!
Before I used to treat my nutrition and health as a secondary priority to my work and other things. Now I feel like I just have more respect for my body overall on what it provides me and I just feel more motivated to take care of it.
Not only am I fitting into old clothes better, but I also haven’t had a migraine in 6 months. I used to get them about 4-5 times a month and they were debilitating. But since I’ve been eating healthier they seem to have gone away. So yeah, things are much better 🙂
Learn more about our Healthy Weight Loss Program created by NutriProCan!

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