By: Lisa Spriet, Registered Dietitian We’ve all heard the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ and though we often think of this as applying to perhaps our cardiovascular health and digestive health, it is also very true when it comes to skin health. Many of the common skin complaints associated with aging – wrinkles, sagging… [Read More]
Written By: Nav Sharma, RD Have you gained some weight and are hoping to do a juice cleanse to get back on track? Call it a cleanse, a detox or a diet, over the years, juicing has become a popular option for people who are trying to lose weight quickly. There are also some claims… [Read More]
Written By: NutriProCan Dietitians Do you struggle with bloating or unpredictable bathroom trips? Are you always getting sick? Can’t focus? Intense cravings? Sound familiar? If yes, it sounds like you may not have the best gut health. Read on to learn about what may be causing these issues and how to begin to solve them!… [Read More]
Written By: Lisa Spriet, RD and Ayah Anani, Dietetics Student Summertime activities are in full swing and we are hearing many of our clients are going on road trips, camping, as well as visiting family across the country after the pandemic restrictions. We’ve also heard that many of our clients are back to travelling for… [Read More]